
This page aggregates a series of meta information about Kerblam!.


The project is licensed with the MIT License. Read here for the choose a license entry of the license.


If you want or need to cite Kerblam!, provide a link to the Github repository or use the following Zenodo DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10664806.


This project is named after the fictitious online shop/delivery company in S11E07 of Doctor Who. Kerblam! might be referred to as Kerblam!, Kerblam or Kerb!am, interchangeably, although Kerblam! is preferred. The Kerblam! logo is written in the Kwark Font by tup wanders.

About this book

This book is rendered by mdbook, and is written as a series of markdown files. Its source code is available in the Kerblam! repo under the ./docs/ folder.

The book hosted online always refers to the latest Kerblam! release. If you are looking for older or newer versions of this book, you should read the markdown files directly on Github, where you can select which tag to view from the top bar, or clone the repository locally, checkout to the commit you like, and rebuild from source. If you're interested, read the development guide to learn more.