If you want it, kerblam it!

Kerblam! is a Rust command line tool to manage the execution of scientific data analysis, where having reproducible results and sharing the executed pipelines is important. It makes it easy to write multiple analysis pipelines and select what data is analysed.

With Kerblam! your analyses will be less bloated, more organized, and more reproducible.

Kerblam! is a Free and Open Source Software, hosted on Github at MrHedmad/kerblam. The code is licensed under the MIT License.

Use the sidebar to jump to a specific section. If you have never used Kerblam! before, you can read the documentation from start to finish to learn all there is to know about Kerblam! by clicking on the arrows on the side of the page.

Kerblam! is very opinionated. To read more about why these choices where made, you can read the Kerblam! philosophy.