Cleanup data

If you want to cleanup your data (perhaps you have finished your work, and would like to save some disk space), you can run kerblam data clean.

Kerblam! will remove:

  • All temporary files in ./data/;
  • All output files in ./data/out;
  • All input files that can be downloaded remotely in ./data/in.
  • All empty (even nested) folders in ./data/ and ./data/out. This essentially only leaves input data that cannot be retrieved remotely on disk.

Kerblam! will consider as "remotely available" files that are present in the data.remote section of kerblam.toml. See this chapter of the book to learn more about remote data. If you wish to preserve the remote data (perhaps you merely want to "reset" the pipelines but start again quickly) you can use the --keep-remote flag to do so.

If you want to preserve the empty folders left behind after cleaning, pass the --keep-dirs flag to do just that.

Kerblam! will ask for your confirmation before deleting the files. If you're feeling bold, skip it with the --yes flag.