Managing Data

Kerblam! has a bunch of utilities to help you manage the local data for your project. If you follow open science guidelines, chances are that a lot of your data is FAIR, and you can fetch it remotely.

Kerblam! is perfect to work with such data. The next tutorial sections outline what Kerblam! can do to help you work with data.

Remember that Kerblam! recognizes what data is what by the location where you save the data in. If you need a refresher, read this section of the book.

kerblam data will give you an overview of the status of local data:

> kerblam data
./data       500 KiB [2]
└── in       1.2 MiB [8]
└── out      823 KiB [2]
Total        2.5 Mib [12]
└── cleanup  2.3 Mib [9] (92.0%)
└── remote   1.0 Mib [5]
! There are 3 undownloaded files.   

The first lines highlight the size (500 KiB) and amount (2) of files in the ./data/in (input), ./data/out (output) and ./data (intermediate) folders.

The total size of all the files in the ./data/ folder is then broken down between categories: the Total data size, how much data can be removed with kerblam data clean or kerblam data pack, and how many files are specified to be downloaded but are not yet present locally.