Other utilities

Kerblam! has a few other utilities to deal with the most tedius steps when working with projects.

kerblam ignore - Add items to your .gitignore quickly

Oops! You forgot to include your preferred language to your .gitignore. You now need to google for the template .gitignore, open the file and copy-paste it in.

With Kerblam! you can do that in just one command. For example:

kerblam ignore Rust

will fetch Rust.gitignore from the Github gitignore repository and append it to your .gitignore for you. Be careful that this command is case sensitive (e.g. Rust works, rust does not).

You can also add specific files or folders this way:

kerblam ignore ./src/something_useless.txt

Kerblam! will add the proper pattern to the .gitignore file to filter out that specific file.

The optional --compress flag makes Kerblam! check the .gitignore file for duplicated entries, and only retain one copy of each pattern. This also cleans up comments and whitespace in a sensible way.

The --compress flag allows to fix ignoring stuff twice. E.g. kerblam ignore Rust && kerblam ignore Rust --compress is the same as running kerblam ignore Rust just once.